From Our Pastor
First Baptist Church of San Jacinto is a strategically small church. This does not mean we are “intentionally” small. Nor does it say we have given up on growth and settle for mediocrity. A strategically small church is one that has become comfortable being small because it has learned to recognize the unique advantages of its size. A strategically small church realizes it can accomplish things that larger churches cannot. This doesn’t make our church better or godlier. But it means it can proceed in ministry not from a sense of its deficiencies, but from confidence in its strengths. Strategically small churches are strategic for the kingdom of God because when they embrace their identity, they can make an enormous impact.
First Baptist Church of San Jacinto is a strong, solid, and mature church. We are an older congregation which substantiates a certain level of maturity, health, and stability. First Baptist Church of San Jacinto has served our community for fifty-eight (58) years. We leverage our maturity and collective wisdom to take bold, gospel “risks” for the advancement in the kingdom of Jesus Christ. In 2018, we initiated a merger process which allowed us our ministry to expand to offer a thriving and growing Spanish ministry to our community.
First Baptist Church of San Jacinto participates and cooperates with the Southern Baptist Convention. We treasure our partnership with Southern Baptists which provides us the opportunity to be involved with local, state, and international missionary endeavors.
First Baptist Church of San Jacinto exists merely to live out the transforming grace of Jesus Christ.
“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.””
— John 18:31-32