Our History
Fifty-three people met on Sunday, January 15, 1961, for the first regular services of this new mission. The church was organized on March 12, 1961, with a Charter Membership of 45. The name of Valley Baptist Church was chosen for the new work, while still a mission. It is interesting to note that although the church had voted in 1962 to change its name to First Baptist Church, it was still called Valley Baptist Church. The church again voted to change its name on May 4, 1966. Finally, in the September minutes the name First Baptist Church was used for the first time as the official name of the church.
Since January 15, 1961, the church has had 26 pastors. Our current pastor, Stacy A. Johnson, who became pastor on October 1, 1999, has shepherded our congregation the longest in the church’s 62-year history.
“We are deeply grateful to our Lord that He has preserved us as a church and maintains a witness for Himself in this city and community. It is with gratitude to those of the past who have labored to establish this church in this place, and with praise to God for all that He has done. It is with faith and anticipation that we face the years ahead, firm in the conviction that our God has greater and more fruitful years ahead for us who serve Him in this fellowship.” (quoted from the 25th anniversary of the First Baptist Church).
We are still deeply grateful and we still are looking forward with faith and anticipation to the years ahead. We continue to have the firm conviction that our God has greater and more fruitful work in His kingdom.
In 1996 the congregation began meeting in our present location at 841 Evans. Many new programs and many new faces have blended with familiar older forms of worship.
I Corinthians 7-9 say, “So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth. Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.” v.11 says, “For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. “
“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”
— John 12:26

Minutes of Organization - Valley Baptist Church (Our first name)

Newspaper Announcement

Aerial Photo of FBCSJ on W. Main St.

FBCSJ in mid-late 60’s

Pastor Paul Wilkerson a 100 years ago!

Red & Doris Smith @ Main Street Location of FBCSJ

Great Photo of Church Pastors

Last Meeting @ (Main Street)

Aerial Photo of FBCSJ on State St.

FBCSJ (State Street Location)

FBCSJ (State Street Location)

View of Inside FBCSJ (State Street)

Red & Doris Smith at State St. location.

Current Location 841 E. Evans

Construction Begins on Evans St.

Evans Property Needs Clean-up!

The Site of Modular C

Groundbreaking Day!

Groundbreaking Day!

Groundbreaking Day!

Cliff Thomas & Pastor Bell

Pastor Bell Witnessing While Working

Pastor William Bell (right)

Pete Fletcher Enjoying Lunch! (Far right)

Deacon Phil Spoonhower

Bro. Mac Checking Things Out!

Deacon Rod Crider

Men in their 70’s @ 35 feet!

It’s starting to look like a church building!

Getting ready for roof tiles!

First Meeting @ Evans Street

Ebenezer: “Thus far the Lord has helped us!”

It’s all coming together...

Check-out the front lawn: A Parking Lot!

Inside Sanctuary in 1995

Inside Sanctuary in October 1999

Ready to serve...

Dovie Holyoak with church members (1965)

Joy (McClung) Rankin Ladies Sunday School Teacher

Susanne Derby with Children

Jim & Marie Dunlap and others

Band of Brothers 0.0

Deacons: Lowell, Pete, Phil and Les

Stacy Navarro (middle) & Debbie Crider (right)

Hugh & Alice Singleton

R.J. & Alberta Stevens

Pastor Buddy Reeves

Forrest Petty & Jim Zweifel

Deacon Al Pierce...

AWANA is awesome!!!

Mary Brown, Zelma, Ophelia

Navarros' & Peters' Family

Tuesday Breakfast Fellowship

Tuesday Breakfast Fellowship

Pastor Paul and Dovie

Thank You, Pastor Bell & Wilma

Beloved Servants of FBCSJ

Bro. Mac & Barbara

Bro. Mac in Prayer Room

Bro. Mac and Friends

Bro. Mac & Helen with dear friends

Bro. Mac & Helen @ Fellowship

Bro. Mac & Drake...

Bro. Mac Preparing for Budget Meeting

Bro. Mac’s Funeral

A Commitment to the Community

A Commitment to Discipleship

A Commitment to Reaching

Commitment to Missions

Commitment to Sing

Commitment to Worship

Commitment to Fellowship

Commitment to Serve

Commitment to Shine

Commitment to Love

Commitment to the Kingdom

At the end of a rainbow...

Actual Vision of our Next Church from 1995

First Baptist Church of San Jacinto TODAY

Worship Service

Pizza Oven Fellowship
Drive-in Movie Night

Women's Bible Study



Children's Church

Small Groups


Welcome Center

Pastor Andres & Aurora Camarena

Pastor Andres - Spanish Ministry
Spanish Ministry

Spanish Ministry Worship Service